Monday, December 13, 2010

Lucky Cycle #5

Well, Here we are again cycle #5.  All I can say is that at least I have ovulated every month for the last 4 cycles and hopefully this cycle too.  Last cycle I had a "perfect" cycle.  I O'd cd14, I had excellent cm, I thought that we timed BD'ing really well, My LP which is normally 12days ended up being 14days......BUT still NO bfp.  I hate that you think everything is going so perfect and it ends so not perfect.  But I also found out that I had a vit D defiecieny as I wrote about last time and from my understanding that can affect your lining so even with out perfect cycle and our seemingly perfect timing, that could have been the reason for our bfn.  UGH....  So on to our 5th cycle.  Now when I say 5th cycle I mean the 5th cycle since our break....cuz really we have been ttc for going on 2.5yrs now least as of Jan 2011 will be our 2.5yr mark.  Now cycle #5 I am doing femara again.  The only thing is that I am taking a lower dose this time.  I had a prescription for 7.5mgs of femara from earlier this year that I filled.  I decided to go with 5 mgs the first round to see how I responded and I responded beautifully.  I thought that my ob/gyn would be able to give me another RX for femara but there was a new PA that I had to see and she said that they no longer deal with the femara at all cuz it's off label use....WHAT!   So I have to go back to my RE to get more femara......but I can't afford the RE yet.....SO this cycle I only had 2.5mgs left of the femara so that is all I can use this month.  I am still hoping that I will still respond to it.  I did up my royal jelly this cycle to 2000mgs in hopes that will help my body respond just as well to the lower dose of femara.    

SO I am praying that my combo of femara, royal jelly, metformin, and Vit D is going to be my magic combo.  FX'd

I also found out on the day before AF showed that my BFF is preg.  She wasn't trying to get preg and has said on more than one occassion that she didn't want her own children.  She also knew that we had been trying for over 2yrs.  Needless to say I felt disappointed about it.  She said that she is happy and I want to be happy for her and supportive of her cuz I know that she is scared but I feel sad for myself.  I think that is the key is that the disappointment isn't that she is pregnant it is that I am NOT......I am disappointed that she announced her unplanned pregnancy and I am NOT announcing my very planned for pregnancy.  I feel disappointed that it is her that is pregnant and not me.  I feel bad that I feel this way but I can't help it I have been trying for over 2 yrs and she didn't try at all.  

Lucky Cycle we go!!!!    FX'd  and saying my prayers.  :-)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vitamin D and Fertility

Well last week on Monday I went in and had my annual exam.  It was a very weird  experience for me and I have decided not to continue going to this doctor and to try to find a new one.  Well anyways, they took blood to check routines things such as cholesterol...ect. 

 I got a call this last Monday (so a week later) and was told that I have a Vitamin D deficiency.....not just low but deficient and they wanted me to take a prescription strength Vit. D supplement.  Ok so no big deal.  I go to the pharmacy to get my prescription and it is for 50,000 units of vit D per week and according to the pharmacist they only prescibe this high of a dosage when your levels are critically now I have moved from just being deficient to critically low.  UGH. 

Well I know I have heard in the past about Vit D deficiencies but I have never really paid much attention to it as I just assumed my levels must be fine.....I mean after all I have spent thousands of dollars getting testing done at the RE's office which included vials upon vials of blood being drawn.  The 1st time they took blood they drew 7 vials of blood.  I mean you would think that they would have tested my vitamin levels afterall they wasted some of my blood and money to test my blood type which I already knew because I have a daughter and they have to know what blood type you are when you get preg and I also happen to be O- so I have to get special shots when I am preg becuause of this.  I told the RE what my blood type was but apparently my word was not good enough and she had to make sure of it anyways....   sorry about the slight off topic rant......back to the subject of Vit D

So in light of this new information....I had decided to find out more information about.  Well come to find out that having a Vit D deficiency can CAUSE fertility probs.  It upsets the balance of your hormones and can cause irregular cycles as well as problems with ovulation.  Along, with these issues it can cause lining issues so that your lining does not form properly to allow for implantation of a fertilized egg if you had even managed to ovulate at all.

I found a couple interesting articles about Vit D and Fertility and it seems that this could be my missing ingredient.  The symptoms fit me perfectly.  I have missing or delayed ovulation and irregular cycles. 

Vit D deficiencies can cause problems with ovulation in that it can be the reason for a lack of ovulation. The first article specifically mentions PCOS and that taking Vit D can improve the symptoms of PCOS including acne, excess hair and increased weight. The second article also mentions PCOS and also talks about other affects on fertility.
I have huge hopes that this is going to help me achieve the one thing that I want the most........Getting Pregnant.    I hope that I am not disappointed again.