Ok So it's a New Year.....Welcome 2011!! And what is the first thing most of us do for the New Year beside get drunk and loud?? Of course....make our New Years Resolution! What is a resolution?? Well its an impossible goal that we usually set for ourselves and end up breaking within the first couple months of the year, if not sooner. This is the exact reason I don't usually set a New Years Resolution. But this year I was thinking about it and decided having goals is a good thing.....shouldn't we all have goals or something to work towards in our lives??
So my New Years Resolutions for 2011 are:
1. To get pregnant.....this is my #1 goal this year
2. To be healthier
3. To get a permanent job...preferably a Teaching Job
4. Pay off some debt.....work towards buying a house (the house goal is a 2012-2013goal)
5. Take better care of myself
6. Just to be a better mom and wife
I think part of having goals is also having a plan to reach those goals. So I have also come up with a plan to reach my goals.
* The first one is the most important one for me this year. We have been trying for going on 2.5yrs now and neither of us is getting any younger. Not only do I feel like I am racing against my time clock (I am going to be 35 this year) but I feel like I am racing against my husbands time clock. I guess that is what I get for falling in love with an older man. He has been wonderful about the whole thing but even he has agreed that since we haven't gotten pregnant yet that it is time to get more aggressive. So I plan on going back to the RE hopefully by Feb. I hope to be able to continue on femara for a couple more months....I really feel that if I just continue to Ovulate that I will get preg soon but IF I am still not preg that way than I will probably want to move onto either adding a trigger shot or doing a combo cycle....femara w/injects.
* The second one is also very important but this is an everyday struggle for me and I have decided that I just want to try to make changes in my life and add in more exercise with the goal of being healthy hoping for the side effect of losing weight. I did join a couple weight loss challenges to help keep me motivated and accountable. I also have a terrible sweet tooth so I bought a bunch of fruit so my first baby step is to replace my sweet cravings with fruit. So everytime I crave something sweet instead of eating candy or what have you I am going to grab some fruit....maybe an orange or pear or some grapes.
* The third goal is getting a job. I have been substitute teaching for 1.5 yrs now hoping to have some kind of in at a school. I have had a chance to try out many different grades and schools and I know where I want to work. However, I don't have control over the economy and the lack of jobs yes even teaching jobs are being hurt by this terrible economy so IF I can't get a teaching job for the new school year I will have to get a regular non teaching job so that I can have a steady and reliable income. Plus this is part of the paying off debt goal and buying a house....if I don't have a job and more income than I am not going to be able to accomplish these goals either. I can't support my family and reach my financial goals continuing to sub.
* My fourth goal is a financial goal. I want to be able to buy a house sometime in the next year or two (2012 - 2013) So I have gathered my bills and have figured out what I need to pay and have come up with a plan to pay them off completely. However this is also contingent on my getting more work and then getting a job.
* The fifth goal is to just take better care of myself. To start thinking about my well being and take some time for myself. This is always hard for us mothers to do but I think that it is important. I want to set a good example for my daughter and I can't do that if I don't take care of myself.
* The sixth and last goal is just to be a better mother and wife. I am not saying that I am not a good mother or wife I just want to improve and strengthen my relationships with my family. I think that this for me is just trying to spend more time with my family. Taking extra time to take my daughter outside and just playing with her. Giving my husband more attention and helping him more around the house and the many things that he normally takes care of.
So there you have it,....My News Years Resolutions and my plans for trying to stick with them this year. Will I be able to follow through and stick with my goals this year??? Who knows, but I will try hard to keep them and will reflect next year on this.